What is a website domain name? +
A website domain name is simply your website address, for example www.yourdomain.la
What is .LA? +
.LA is the dedicated domain for Los Angeles. Its main purpose is to provide an online identity to the Los Angeles community. Furthermore, .LA is a top level domain (TLD).
What is a TLD (Top Level Domain)? +
A top level domain, or 'TLD' as its better known as the web address ending. For instance the most well-known TLDs are .com, .net and .org. Unlike traditional TLDs .LA is instantly recognised as belonging to the city of Los Angeles.
Will my website be found on search engines, like Google? +
Yes, .LA is the optimised domain for any LA associated business or website. Search engines run many different algorithms to work out what your website does; only a .LA domain tells search engines that you're based in LA. With over a million monthly searches that feature the term 'LA' on Google alone, a .LA domain is a powerful tool to increase your traffic and boost your sales.
Can .LA domains work for email? +
Yes, they make for some of the best email addresses. You will need to purchase an email package but this is usually offered as an extra from many of our
accredited registrars.
Where can I buy my .LA domain? +
There are many domain name registrars selling the .LA domain. Please
click here to view our 'Get your .LA' list of registrars all of whom sell .LA domains.
What is a domain name registrar? +
A domain name registrar is a company that sells domain names, such as GoDaddy.
What is a registry? +
A domain name registry is a company or organization responsible for assigning domain names for the TLD that they manage.
Who can buy a .LA domain name? +
.LA domain names come without any restrictions, meaning anyone, anywhere can register/buy one.
How long will my domain last? +
The domain's lifecycle can last for a minimum of 1 year to a maximum of 10 years in any one life-cycle. However, you can renew your .LA domain name at the end of each life-cycle for a further year – or – ten; retaining ownership of it for as long as you need the domain name.
Can I transfer my .LA domain names to different registrar? +
Yes, .LA domain names can be easily transferred between our accredited registrars. Please find the full list of our registrars by
clicking here should you wish to transfer your .LA domain name.
History of .LA +
.LA has been marketed as the official domain for Los Angeles since 2000. The TLD was assigned originally from Laos, South East Asia but has been marketed for use in Los Angeles due to it being a perfect fit for LA.
What is a 'Whois'? +
When you register a domain name your contact details are displayed in the public Whois record. These details include: the domain name, your name, your email, postal address of the domain registered and your phone number.
Many domain name registrars offer a Whois privacy service which will allow you to hold the domain but not publically display your personal details. Please see individual registrars for more information.
How do I submit a trademark infringement claim against a .LA domain name? +
How can I report an abusive .LA domain name? +
We're proud of .LA and we work hard to keep it a globally trusted TLD. If you feel a .LA domain name is being used for phishing, sale of counterfeit goods, hosting illegal content, or otherwise being used for any illegal activity please contact our abuse team at
abuse@registry.la. We review every incoming email and appreciate the community's effort in keeping .LA a great, trusted TLD.
Law enforcement +
If you represent a law enforcement agency and have a question or report about a .LA domain name, incident, or otherwise, this should be directed to
lawenforcement@registry.la. We aim to respond within 24hours but often reply within 1-2 hours of receiving complaints. Please note that emails that are not sent to this address from legitimate law enforcement agencies will be ignored.
How do I become a Registrar? +
To become a Registrar and to start selling .LA, please complete this